MCQs on Human Brain

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1. The stimulation of a muscle fibre by a motor neuron occurs at the
(a) myofibril
(b) transverse tubules
(c) neuromuscular junction
(d) sarcoplasmic reticulum
Answer: (c)

2. An injury sustained by the hypothalamus is most likely to interrupt
(a) coordination during locomotion
(b) short term memory
(c) regulation of body temperature
(d) executive function like decision making
Answer: (c)

3. In humans, the Alzheimer disease is linked with the deficiency of
(a) acetylcholine
(b) dopamine
(c) glutamic acid
(d) Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA)
Answer: (a)

4. What is the person with these symptoms suffering from? Outbursts of emotions, unpredictable moods, quarrelsome behaviour, conflicts with others
(a) Mood disorders
(b) Addictive diroders
(c) Schizoprenia
(d) Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
Answer: (d)

5. Even after the brain of a frog has been crushed, it still responds to a pinch on the leg by drawing it away. This act is an example of
(a) Conditioned reflex
(b) Simple reflex
(c) Automated motor response
(d) Neurotransmitter induced response
Answer: (b)

6. Which of these functions will be affected if the medulla oblongata is damaged?
(a) Vision
(b) Thermoregulation
(c) Memory
(d) Tactile sensation – response when prickled with a needle
Answer: (d)

7. This part of the human brain is also known as the emotional brain
(a) Epithalamus
(b) Limbic system
(c) Broca’s area
(d) Corpus callosum
Answer: (b)

8. This is the outermost cranial appendage
(a) Dura mater
(b) Pia mater
(c) Skull
(d) Arachnoid
Answer: (a)

9. This cranial meninges is in close proximity of the brain tissue
(a) Dura mater
(b) Pia mater
(c) Arachnoid
(d) Skull tissue
Answer: (b)

10. This statement is not associated with midbrain
(a) the ventral portion of the midbrain is composed of mainly four, round swellings known as
corpora quadrigemina
(b) located between thalamus of the forebrain and pons of the hindbrain
(c) the canal called cerebral aqueduct passes through the midbrain
(d) hindbrain and midbrain constitute the brain stem
Answer: (a)



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